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2016 New Year's Resolutions for mums of babies and toddlers - MUST DO-S

1. This year, I shall feed my baby only on breast milk:

Instead of feeding your baby with bottle milk or with formula milk throughout the day, you should start feeding your baby only on breastmilk. Believe it, it is going to be the best new year's resolution you have ever made. It does not matter even if you are a working mom, just buy Pigeon breastmilk storage bags and store and store extra breast milk. This is the best gift you will ever give to your baby.

2. I shall play more with my baby

Amid the hustle and bustle of your daily life, you should spare some more time to play with your baby. Enhance her creativity with new games and toys. Check out Qtoys Wooden Castle Building Set and Ambi Toys Building Beakers (so cheap!!!) and you will just be surprised to see the level of creativity of your child. There are so many more out there to choose from!

3. This year, I shall give special care to the health of my baby

As babies have underdeveloped immune systems, keeping your teats, nipples, caps and bottles clean and sterilized are extremely important for the overall health of your baby. Sterilized methods are only efficient if the utensils and the feeding equipment are clean. Get one of our sterilisers to keep all the bottles perfectly safe for your baby. Healthier clothing like organic cotton baby clothing will also help them avoid exposure to skin rash.

4. Give my baby more outdoor activities

Every time you go out with your baby, they experience unique things, meet new people and face new challenges. Safety, learning, comfort and play: this is the most positive approach to parenting. Infantino Baby Carriers and other outdoor safety equipment are the best choices for such occasions. But most importantly - don't forget about the importance of healthy, fresh air and natural vitamins like vitamin D that you get when exposed to the sun.

5. I shall help my baby develop their physical and cognitive skills

A lot of fun learning activities can be experienced by your baby this year. All you have to do is just to choose the right toys for them. There are great solutions out there. For example - musical instruments, puzzle, rattles or play mats - depending on their age.

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